Batch & Partial Conversion
- Multiple PDF files can be imported at an extraordinary speed and convert in a batch! Even the converter allows you to specify the page range and convert partial chapters, contents, pages of sorts to meet your different demands!
Ingenious Preview Function
- Thumbnail display lets you benefit more! User-oriented preview feature makes the PDF to Word Converter an outstanding office & daily companion.

Refreshing & Friendly User Interface
- Distinct buttons, fonts and crisply designed user interface is elaborately prepared to heighten your user experience! So many comforts are contributed to you!
Cannot-be-Easier Operations! Load Files, 1-Click Convert!
- Simplest way to import files & folders and feel at ease to manage your Adobe PDF docs by deleting, clearing, selecting, moving files on your demands, the gear buddy lets you convert files with merely 1 hit and get the results in no time!

Praiseworthy Output Results
With texts, tables, pictures, layouts completely kept the same as the original PDF files, the impressive PDF to DOCX software makes everything be ready for you with 0 distortion.
Stand-Alone Software
No Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installation required. The PDF conversion software is capable of making all your tasks be independently in good performance.